Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical (AMO) Physics

Research in AMO physics encompasses the studies of fundamental atomic and molecular physics, of optical science, of interactions between atoms and molecules with photons, and of the applications of AMO sciences. Our program is authorized to confer master’s and doctor’s degrees both in atomic and molecular physics and in optics, with the atomic and molecular physics certified as a national key major program since 2001. In recent years, we have successful expanded into modern AMO topics such as cold atoms, molecules, and ions, atomic clocks and nuclear clocks, quantum simulation and quantum computation, quantum communication, quantum precision measurement, and gravitational wave detection. AMO research at Tsinghua Physics provides unprecedented opportunities.

Current areas of research cover diverse topics in both theoretical and experimental atomic, molecular, and optical physics. Our faculty members are supported by research grants and contracts on topics such as

-Atomic cavity quantum electrodynamics and opto-mechanics

-Atomic clocks and nuclear clocks

-Chemical physics

-Cold atoms, molecules, and ions

-Gravitational wave detection

-Laser spectroscopy and ultrafast spectroscopy

-Light-matter interactions

-Quantum communication

-Quantum precision measurement

-Quantum computation and quantum simulation

-Quantum optics